
The Long Haul

Weekly 5-minute actionable emails about longevity and wellness.

The Long Haul: Collagen

Read this in your browser Welcome to The Long Haul! Every week, I’ll explore a longevity topic and then give a roundup of the big news in longevity. Alex (in Australia) asked me to get the down low on collagen. So here it is! (Were you forwarded this email? Please subscribe here.) The TL;DR 🦴 Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the body, providing structure, strength, and support to bones, skin, joints, and muscles 💰 Most academic research done on collagen is funded by supplement...

The Long Haul: Hearing

Read this in your browser Welcome to The Long Haul! Every week, I’ll explore a longevity topic and then give a roundup of the big news in longevity. Let's talk hearing. (Were you forwarded this email? Please subscribe here.) The TL;DR 👂Hearing loss is associated with higher mortality and dementia risk 📢 Age, loud noise exposure, genetics, health conditions, and more can contribute to hearing loss ↗️ Hearing abilities can’t return once lost but biotechnology companies are working to reverse it...

The Long Haul: Protein

Read this in your browser Welcome to The Long Haul! Every week, I’ll explore a longevity topic and then give a roundup of the big news in longevity. This week I dove into protein consumption. (Were you forwarded this email? Please subscribe here.) The TL;DR 🌎 On average, North Americans eat 2x the daily recommended amount of protein 🥩 Protein from animal sources is much more bioavailable than plant-based proteins 🦴 High protein consumption is associated with increased mortality in middle age...

The Long Haul: Stimulants

Read this in your browser Welcome to The Long Haul! Every week, I’ll explore a longevity topic and then give a roundup of the big news in longevity. This week I looked into stimulants, and how they impact us. (Were you forwarded this email? Please subscribe here.) The TL;DR 💊 Stimulants increase our focus by increasing neurotransmitter activity in the brain 🚬 Nicotine improves focus but is highly addictive, becomes less effective with more use and the withdrawal symptoms are not worth the...

The Long Haul: Seed Oil

Read this in your browser Welcome to The Long Haul! Every week, I’ll explore a longevity topic and then give a roundup of the big news in longevity. This week, I want you to put your pitchfork down against seed oil. (Were you forwarded this email? Please subscribe here.) The TL;DR 🌱 Seed oils are high in Omega-6’s which are an essential fatty acid, but can cause inflammation if overconsumed 🥼 No research supports the claim that seed oils are harmful 🍭 Seed oils are highly used in...

The Long Haul: Hydration & Electrolytes

Read this in your browser Welcome to The Long Haul! Every week, I’ll explore a longevity topic and then give a roundup of the big news in longevity. Because of the incredible heatwave we’ve been in, I wanted to talk about hydration. (Were you forwarded this email? Please subscribe here.) The TL;DR 💧Staying hydrated reduces the likelihood of developing chronic conditions 🫗Men should drink 3 liters of water/day, women should drink 2 liters/day. ☕ Coffee doesn’t dehydrate you if you remain under...

The Long Haul: How to Form Habits That Stick

Read this in your browser Welcome to The Long Haul! Every week, I’ll explore a longevity topic and then give a roundup of the big news in longevity. This week I wanted to figure out how to apply all the things I’ve been learning about through writing The Long Haul. So I researched how to get habits to stick. (Were you forwarded this email? Please subscribe here.) The TL;DR ⌛ Building a personal reward system can help you stick to new habits and increase baseline dopamine – improving longevity...